Our Favorite
Web Sites
Association for Experiential Education
Bay Area Organization Development Network
ETR Associates - Education, Training, Research
The Small Business Knowledge Base
Outdoor Education - Research and Evaluation Center
Mission Springs - Outdoor Camp & Conference Center
Synergy Learning Systems - Consulting Services
Problem Solving 2.0 - An innovative approach to problem-solving
The Association for Challenge Course Technology
The Ontario Physical and Health Education Association
Karl Rohnke http://www.karlrohnke.com
(Karl is an old friend and mentor;
we once shared adventures on Thompson Island Outdoor Education Center.)
High 5 - Adventure Learning Center http://www.high5adventure.org
(When Karl Rohnke left Project Adventure,
he co-founded High 5 Learning Center. Based on what I've read on this web site, Karl's spirit of adventure-education
lives on there.)
Haines Centre for Strategic Management http://hainescentre.com
Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?
(I attended this district conference and
was moved and reassured by Ken Robinson's powerful message.)
Edutopia: The George Lucas Educational Foundation http://www.edutopia.org
(An excellent educational resources and teacher's development tools. The web
site covers such awesome concepts as intergrated studies, comprehensive assessment, project learning, social & emotional
learning, teacher development and technology integration.)
Channel One News: Teaching Tools http://www.channelone.com/
(This is where Anderson Cooper of CNN fame
got his start. Scroll down to lowest panel "Teachers" for great teaching resources. It's also a great news-site
for school-age youth.)